
Since monday i drank lemon water but i did not eat only fruits in the morning. I eat any food and sometimes that is bad food actually like fried food. So, i think i cannot dicipline with fruits in the morning but i already make fruits and vegetables as my inggredient in everyday while i am eating. So, i hope this is a good start.

The good news again is that i was started since yesterday to do taebo and i feel the effect is good. So, my goal is doing taebo everyday and i hope it will help my goal. Long way to go because this morning my weight 53,7 and it`s mean 10 kg to go is still long way. My target is in a month minumum decrease is 2 kilo and maximum is 4 kilo. So, lets see how long it will happen because when i`m out of town i cannot do food combining with the best part. So, i hope it don`t ruin my goal. Dicipline please

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