10 k

Today i do one thing that need my consistent to do. After 5 Jun 2011 i ran in 10 k, today i sign up to 10 k in may 20. So, i just have time abput 20 day to prepare for the race. Last year, my time was 1 hour and 45 minustes, that bad and without many preparation. It mean i was not run att all and run 10 k. Stupid but fun. I just feel good. So, i hope my time for my second 10 k will be better. I will run everyday and need more excercise. Lets we see how is it going

keeping your health

My chest had not been feeling good since yesterday. I need more excercise maybe. I hope i can dicipline with my health and nothing happen. One of my friend warn me about heart attack. I hope it is one kind of that. It just i feel not good.

do it now

I feel my body become thinner but when i wieght this morning it still 53,9. Long way to go to 43-44 kg. I need to decrease 10 kg. I should do more excercise. I hope i can do my best. This month minimum is 50 kg. Lets more move and eat less.


Since monday i drank lemon water but i did not eat only fruits in the morning. I eat any food and sometimes that is bad food actually like fried food. So, i think i cannot dicipline with fruits in the morning but i already make fruits and vegetables as my inggredient in everyday while i am eating. So, i hope this is a good start.

The good news again is that i was started since yesterday to do taebo and i feel the effect is good. So, my goal is doing taebo everyday and i hope it will help my goal. Long way to go because this morning my weight 53,7 and it`s mean 10 kg to go is still long way. My target is in a month minumum decrease is 2 kilo and maximum is 4 kilo. So, lets see how long it will happen because when i`m out of town i cannot do food combining with the best part. So, i hope it don`t ruin my goal. Dicipline please

start healthy habbit

From today i will start my food combining habbits with lemon water in the morning, and fruit for breakfast. Lunch and dinner i just combine vegetables with meat or vegetables with carbo. I need to start it from tomorrow. Another habbit that i need to maintain is sport. Jogging and aerobic is a must. I hope my cought and flu will be better. I think my weight is up and i just too scare to know how kg increasing. Lets start and do my best. This month my target is 10 kg.

Start again

hiks, because of i`m sick my diets going bad. So, i need to do better diets by food combining. I think it will start for today. I need to buy more fruits and eat more vegetables. That how to combat my flu. So, this morning, my weight 54,1, it increase again from the day i come to Indonesia my weight is 52,5. Increase 1,5 kg in a week. Panic. So, i should start my excercise and restart my food habbit. Let we see in the end of April, how much of my weight.